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Escritório | Reconhecimento no WTR 1000 – Edição 2023


Bhering Advogados e os sócios Pedro Bhering, Philippe Bhering, Jiuliano Maurer e Isabel Milman foram reconhecidos na edição 2023 do ranking World Trademark Review 1000 – The World’s Leading Trademark Professionals como escritório e profissionais de destaque no Brasil no campo do direito de marcas.

Segundo a publicação, o escritório “has a powerful grasp on the market and is a solid choice for international companies seeking local experts”. O guia enfatiza que “the group boasts a prestigious roster of names” e que “clients rely on the team to deliver smart and strategic portfolio management as well as to fight in contentious matters”.

Um cliente destacou o escritório Bhering Advogados como “go-to firm for all IP work in Brazil” e apontou: “I have worked with several firms in Brazil on numerous cases over the years and I have found Bhering Advogados to be the best. They are resourceful, thoughtful, responsive and reliable, and their pricing is reasonable”.

Além disso, a publicação enfatiza que Pedro Bhering é “an IP veteran with over 40 years’ experience in the field” e que ele é “dedicated to building comprehensive strategies for his multinational following”.

O guia também aponta que Philippe Bhering “heads up the litigation side of the practice and knows the Brazilian courts inside and out”. Além disso, a publicação destaca que “Philippe Bhering leads to a German desk that includes lawyers, patent attorneys and paralegals. His detailed knowledge of the jurisdiction and legal matters is evident in his regular contributions to international IP publications”.

Jiuliano Maurer é tido pelos clientes “in the highest regard”. Isabel Milman foi destacada como “another anchor of Bhering’s litigation practice”. A Sra. Milman foi apontada como “smart and commercially savvy” ao trabalhar para “a range of domestic and international clients across the full spread of IP issues”.