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Augusto Diniz

Augusto Diniz

Born in São Paulo, SP; admitted to the Brazilian Bar Association (São Paulo Section) in 2021.

• Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo (Bachelor of Law, 2021).

• Training for the identification of counterfeit products for Customs Postal Agents in São Paulo, 23/08/2023 [instructor];

• DINIZ, Augusto.; SCODELLER, Delano. Hermès v. Mason Rothschild: a paradigm of intellectual property in the virtual world. ConJur. 2023.

• OAB – Brazilian Bar Association (São Paulo).

Portuguese and English.

Areas of Practice:
Augusto provides specialized legal consultancy and assistance in Intellectual Property matters, with an emphasis on copyright, trademarks, and unfair competition in the criminal sphere. His work stands out in the implementation of programs aimed at reducing counterfeiting and piracy, targeting large national and international companies in various economic sectors. His activities include the adoption of administrative measures with customs authorities. Additionally, Augusto closely collaborates with public authorities in coordinating and participating in anti-counterfeiting and anti-piracy operations throughout the national territory.