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News | Producer held as legitimate owner over collective works


In collective works of artistic character, copyright ownership must be afforded to the producer of the event, as prescribed in article 15,... Read More...

News | State Court of Appeals confirms judgment on piracy case


The Fourth Criminal Chamber of the Court of Appeals of the State of Minas Gerais (TJ-MG) held, on a majority decision, that a resident from... Read More...

News | Trademark infringement violates holder’s identity and justifies moral damages


The Third Panel of the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice (STJ) held applicable indemnity for moral damages to the company that had its... Read More...

Firm News | Participation in INTA’s Enforcement Committee


Elisa Santucci, partner of the firm, actively participates in the "Enforcement Committee" of INTA, allocated at the "Courts and Tribunals"... Read More...

Firm News | Participation in the 131th INTA Annual Meeting – Seattle 2009


The 131th Annual Meeting of the International Trademark Association (INTA) will take place from May 16 to May 20, in the city of Seattle,... Read More...

Firm News | Interview for Cidade Imperial TV


Attorney Elisa Santucci was invited to participate in the program “OAB e Você”, a production of the Brazilian Bar Association of the... Read More...

News | Extension based on TRIPs refused by the Superior Court of Justice


EI Du Pont De Nemour and Company was not able to extend for another five years its privileges under the patent for herbicide Clorimuron,... Read More...

News | Brazil to launch arbitration in domain name disputes


The use of arbitration in disputes involving domain names in Brazil is expected to begin this year. TheBrazilian Internet Steering... Read More...

News | Peru Accedes to WIPO’s Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)


Peru became the 141st contracting state of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) when it deposited its instrument of accession at WIPO on... Read More...

News | U.S. Supreme Court to revisit freelance writers case


The U.S. Supreme Court agreed on Monday to revisit a case it decided eight years ago in favor of freelance writers who said that newspapers... Read More...